Gronk, tired of nearly being eaten by the large predators he's been hunting, decides to go for some of the smaller less intimidating animal life, and discovers irony.
Apologies. I meant to get this colored, but have run out of time. Hope the sketch will save the baby seal.
Nice saber-toothed skunk. I think that could be a topic all on its own. I also like how the caveman is holding the club so daintily with his pinky raised as if he's going to scold the skunk to death. The way you've broken up the hair and eyebrows is nice, too. I think I'll try that on some eyebrows sometime.
I was also going to point out how much I like the saber-toothed skunk... that's a nice touch. This is great, Ken... re-post it if you get time to color it. Very nice, sir.
Very funny idea Ken. That caveman is in for a nasty shock.
It's important, when one is a caveman, to have proper club-holding etiquette when pummeling a saber-toothed squirrel. Great motion and emotion.
Gronk = Funny
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