Chicken of the Sea anyone?
In some of the old tales of Mermaids they aren't such nice creatures as Ariel. They were feared creatures of the sea. This is a pretty quick rendering-I would have liked to spend more time on this one but today was the last day on this topic so what you see is what you get.
That's quite a jump from Shane's Mermaid to this little beauty. Nice work for putting it out so quickly- love the texture on her tail. Scaley! The Chicken... er... Fish looks cool too, nice color choices.
Hmmm.... Quite an idea you have going here. I know this much... If that's what mermaids are really like, I'm not wearing my Giant Hamburger Bun lifevest next time I go boating.
Cool drawing, Mark!
"Chicken of the Sea" - nice one, Mark. She's kind of freaky looking... not the kind of mermaid I'd hope to run into... unless I ran into her with my boat.
She really should pluck those eyebrows. She's probably a very nice jungle mermaid that was seperated from her parents and raised by sharks. As everybody knows, sharks aren't the first to catch on to beauty secrets. Huh? Yes, have some.
Mark, I really like the design of the body and the hair on your mermaid! Also, I absolutley LOVE the fish! So colorful! Good work!
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