Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Mad Tea Party


S.T. Lewis said...

Yeah, that's right - I traced it! And I still didn't even do a very good likeness. How's THAT for madness? I also stole the colors without thought.

Rose said...

Nice! This is one of my favorite movies! :)

B Beach said...

Well, it's nice to see a post about one of my favorite Disney films that doesn't have a big disclaimer about the how artist didn't like the film or book. Lovely Shane, truly lovely, spot on.

Heather Dixon said...

This is what happens when your unbirthday falls on the same unbirthday as everyone else. Who blows out the candles?

Heather Dixon said...

Bryan you jerk

Ken Chandler said...

Shane, at plagerism, you're the best! Take that how you will.

They both look really angry so it MUST be a Mad Tea Party. Fabulous work Shane!

Nathan Lindsay said...

It was the whiskers, wasn't it? You traced the rabbit's whiskers. No need to explain yourself Mr. Lewis, the 10th old man.

You're in my five.

Adrian Ropp said...

Just some honest feedback, here, Shane... Usually when you trace a screen grab, flipping it will cover it up. Don't worry, I used to make the same mistake. Just keep trying!

Truthfully, when I saw this I broke my pencil and threw it in the garbage.

Bryan is a jerk.