Saturday, August 26, 2006


I always wondered what this song was. It's good to have learned the lyrics and story behind it.


Blogerts said...

Now that's dedication to the relationship: a tattoo. If she dumps him he's going to be pissed.

He seems more of a rebel than the others, and yet he has the decency to cover up with a towel (unlike Adrian's post below).

Jed Henry said...

great pose. very creative. (by that i mean, way to go, not puttinga tie on him!) that reminds me, i need to shave! woah.

Adrian Ropp said...

A frog with tattoos and facial hair? That is one manly amphibean. Great pose and design, Chad.

By the way, that Tom and Jerry cartoon has always been one of my favorites. Thanks for being the animation historian this week.

S.T. Lewis said...

Something about this just scream "Cape Fear" to me. It must be the tatoo... or that Robert DeNiro looks like a frog. Great design and great colors, Chad. This is cool.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

This pics cool !! Very funny :)

Seth Hippen said...

I love it, Chad! Nice slant on the topic. I'm somewhat intimidated by this frog. I've had that stuttering song in my head ever since I heard it though! I love how he skips the hard parts.

J Chad Erekson said...

When I think of getting ready for a date I think of shaving and I figured that you had to be a tough guy to bring along a sword and a pistol on a date with a mouse