Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tiki drink

So, this guy enjoys a refreshing beverage before rituals and stuff. As Homer Simpson says "Alchohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems!"


S.T. Lewis said...

What an awful beast you've created, Dan. I love the curls and crazy lines in the hair. Good to see he's enjoying a beverage before he kills me with his thoughts. Nice, Dan.

Ken Chandler said...

Nice to see you posting again Dan, I thought we'd lost you for a minute there.

Beautiful, er.. Hideous Tiki-Man you've presented here. Please tell me that's a mask, and not his real face. Nice one Dan! I just want to know how you got a picture of me without my shirt on for referance.

Swanimator said...

Wow! I didn't realize the topic of Tiki would bring so many different and creative soutions. Very nice drawing.

Adrian Ropp said...

Another great one Dan! Impressive!