Monday, February 05, 2007

Forbidden Love


Ken Chandler said...

I don't know how you do it Adrian. This cracks me up. His expression and body language are a riot, not to mention hers. This is the stuff of nightmares. I imagine her voice sounds something like 40 years of harecore nicotine addiction. (Shiver.) Other than that she seems pleasant enough.

S.T. Lewis said...

I love how suspicious the penguin seems. It appears that the seal actually likes him... I mean, she went to the trouble of either buying or making him a card, neither of which can be too easy in ocean. Nice characters, Adrian.

Nathan Lindsay said...

I agree, the body language and expressions really sell this piece. It's great.

It reminds me of a documentary I watched a couple nights ago -which did not end in a lasting relationship(and inspired my almost finished "LOVE" post of an ironically similar theme).

Joe Fowler said...

The design of the seal looks like she has "tricked" some other dupes. Don't do it penguin... don't do it.

You know I love it, Adrian, I told you to your face today.

Unknown said...

I dont see why the penguin should be wary. Wallys smilin...

Sweet post