Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Maximizing the Caveman's Day


S.T. Lewis said...

Looks like a busy day ahead for the caveman... and what a lovely wife. Nice one, Mark.

Joe Fowler said...

Stab, cook, eat... basically my day too, so nothings changed!

I love the caveman's writing posture, very funny. Nice work, Mark.

Adrian Ropp said...

I love it! I thought the entire thing was funny, and then I saw the pose you drew for him eating the steak and I burst out laughing!

Man, it's good to be back in the Toon Club!

Seth Hippen said...

I like to draw my plans for the day, too. That's why I draw real big, 'cause then I've got big plans that make me look really busy. When people ask me for something, I say, "Can't. I've got plans."

Nice drawing, Mark! I like the caveman's face and the kooky concept especially.

Ken Chandler said...

Great concept, excellent execution, flat out funny! I love his writing hand cocked like that, very cavemanish. And where can I get a steak like that! I'm hungry for a Bronto Burger. Yabba Dabba Doo!