Of all the dozen or more possibile villains I chose Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff Girls cartoon. Though I've never watched the show, I've always loved his design. Green monkeys with turbans crack me up.
Today I've discussed the idea of a "Best of the Week" vote with a few of you, and this is what the outcome of those conversations seems to be:
1 - The vote will not be official. If you don't want to say which was your favorite or you don't want to feel like you're competing or you really don't have a favorite, please just keep posting drawings like you're already doing. If you never vote for your favorite - no harm done. 2 - No winner will be announced. If you get more votes than anyone else in a week, you can print your own T-shirts or whatever, but Toon Club itself will host no parties or parades on your behalf. No one really wins... it's just a second opportunity in a week to tell someone, "Hey - good job." 3 - If you want to pick a favorite drawing for a topic, post your comment under the new topic for the coming week. Then everyone who wants to see a vote will know where to find it, and everyone who doesn't care can avoid it.
I think we should add a little "favorites" blog to ToonClub, and at the declaration of a new topic everyone can leave a comment in which they vote for their favorite for the previous topic. I think it would be fun, and add another reason to check in with ToonClub. It doesn't have to be a competition so much as just a fun way to conclude each week. All the posts are usually great, but it's just a way to recognize the one that stands out for you personally. Thoughts?
New week... new topic: draw your FAVORITE CARTOON VILLAIN. This topic would have probably worked better in October, but we're doing it now instead. Enjoy!
I'm loving the posts lately.... Here's my entry for last week, which I'll move to the proper place in a day or so.
UPDATE: Yeah, that background was thrown together too quickly. This one's a lot more basic, but hopefully an improvement. Thanks for the feedback, chaps.
After seeing it posted in black and white I thought Shane and Joe (cough) were right... it needed some color, so I splashed some on. I used an air cannon, can you tell? Have a great weekend guys!
The war wages on. Each morning a new battle begins. Some evenings bring victory, others..... How long will it continue? When will it end? No one knows. No one asks. No one cares.....
As I understand it, the myth of mermaids began when sailors mistook manatees draped in seaweed for beautiful women with flowing hair. Sailors are cool, and manatees are totally hot.
Toon Club is a weekly topic based cartooning/sketch club. While membership is by invitation only, all visitors are encouraged to leave comments and feedback.