My mom and I used to watch Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends when I came home from school when I was little. Last Mother's day, I got her the season 2 box set of the show. This is my depiction of Bullwinkle delighting youngsters with his show, even long after his days as a star.
We've all shared special moments with our moms as kids...and as Mothers Day is approaching it's time for us to show our love and gratitude to them...so for some really great ideas to make the day extra special just visit my blog on Mothers Day Wishes and check out all that i've posted there!!!
Hey Peter, great post, I love the blue, it creates the perfect "watching tv in the dark" atmosphere. I also think it's a great little idea especially because you have such fond memories of the Rocky & Bullwinkle show. Nice work!
Gerry, I think we're all glad you're looking and commenting on the site and the work, you're welcome here anytime for that! However, I'm not so sure if advertising your own Mothers Day blog is really appropriate. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong...... I know I'm definitely up too late!
Nice aged version of Bullwinkle... it's funny to picture him sharing his old TV show with his own kids. "My dad's Bullwinkle." "Who the crap's Bullwinkle?" That's how I imagine conversations on the playground going. Speaking of which, whether we were playing on the slide or getting pushed on the swings, I bet we've all had some good times on playgrounds.
Again Peter, great post!
Shane, I've been laughing all morning about your comment! Maybe I should insert a link to dictionary.com's defintion of laughter. This has made my day!
Peter, I really like this one of yours. Your color pallette is very nice and controled. Nice work.
This was so funny, it made me want to pee a little... and speaking of peeing a little, go to my blog.
Peter, this fun. I remember... wait... no I don't. Anyway, fun idea, and the blue lighting is fun, really makes you feel like your watching them watching T.V.
And Joe, thanks for coming to see our work and commenting on the art, but I'm not sure that advertizing
your own site on Toon Club is appropriate. Thanks for your cooporation. I appologize if I come across like a jerk.
Awwww, how cute. Nice work, Pete.
If you click on the links in my comments you'll see that I'm continuing the joke Bryan and Shane started (good one guys). Should've stopped while I was ahead, I know, I just can't help myself. And Joe, I love you like a brother.
i found this blog by accident. this picture is fantastic. i absolutely love it.
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