Monday, April 09, 2007

This Week's Topic is Brought to You by the Letter T

Great drawings, other people who drew stuff! This week's topic is "Sesame Street". So get out your crayons and construction paper, kiddies!

Feedback for last week's posts goes here.


S.T. Lewis said...

Does anyone even have to say which one was their favorite for the week? Even Bryan has to pick Bryan's. That thing is just incredible, and it obviously took more time than the rest of us who posted combined. I applaud you, Bryan... you put the rest of us to shame. Excellent work, sir.

Ken Chandler said...

Are you kidding, I spent 38 hours on mine alone Shane, without sleep or eating. (HA!) There's just no getting around it, Bryan's rocks the house! Though yours and Adrian's were super mega sweet too, no doubt about it.

Adrian Ropp said...

Everyone did a great job! I was amazed by how accurately some of you portrayed the characters!

Peter said...

Way to go, Bryan :D I'll put up my drawing tonight; sorry it's too late for the voting, but that doesn't really matter, does it?

Blogerts said...

Yeah, Bryan's rocked. Awesome job. I think Rocky and Bullwinkle want a poster of that one. Shane's made me laugh. I'd like to meet the mice that run his brain.