I love the part of the book when Old Major basically invents "animalism". It's a great setting, and quite clever. This is a detail for a larger picture I'm trying to do with all the animals in the barn listening, but I decided this was all I had time to do for Toon Club this week. If I get the rest of the image done, I'll update the post. I wanted to give it a Golden Book sort of feel, even though Animal farm as a Golden Book would be horrible.
I love how Snowball is like, "yes, such wisdon" and Napoleon is all, "Die already!"
Ooh, very nice Adrian. These have a classic Disney style feel. Showing off your versatility, huh?
You can feel the weight of the characters and I really like the folds of fat judiciously added in certain places. Excellent!
I especially like that you've made all the characters distinctive. Nicely done! Can't wait to see more.
I tried drawing Major for this week's Toon Club, and everything I drew came out looking terrible. What you've done is what I was trying to do and couldn't. So I know it's not an easy character to draw. I love it! I hope you have time to finish it up and re-post it. I'd love to see the full shot.
You're a talented feller. The designs, the lighting, the color... even the textures - what a great piece! I can tell you've drawn a pig or two in your day.
Yeah, way solid in all ways, Adrian. I dig. The designs are exactly what they need to be to express their characters. In the book, when major dies, the farmer buries. him. it's a shame, really. all that pork... he's huge!!!
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