This is very underdeveloped, but I have some thumbnails and such.... This is the prince of Frogelle, land of frogs. He has just come home from a victory against the rat kingdom's invasion. Here, he has passed the gates to his city, and around him are crowds of cheering frogs, some sit on the rooftops, the maidens wave their handkerchiefs, and the frog band is playing a victory war song! Ahhh, sweet creative license. Maybe I can finish this some day...
Peter, nicely inked b & w pieces really suit you. This is great! Especially love your cat design!
lovely sketch- though it just might be cheating to 'describe' all the things you haven't drawn!
At first I thought the princess had been turned into a cat... but as it turns out, I can read, so I don't think that anymore. That's one happy, victorious frog from Frogelle.
Peter, this is my favorite piece of yours. seriously. I think this is a great drawing. The pose and expression of the frog are great, and the angle of the cat makes the whole thing more interesting.
I agree. The angle on the cat makes me think I'm another little frog looking up at the cat. Nice job on the angle. I'm a little worried that the cat will make eye contact with me, and get a little hungry.
Really nice drawing, you've captured the perfect mood in this simple drawing. The cat's pose is great! Nice work.
Terrific start Peter. Very regal looking cat, and very victorious looking frog. If he doesn't get a kiss from the princess nobody will. Sweet!
Your cat is wonderfully cat-like. Very nice. Frogelle is cute too.
Now I am imagining my cats walking by my computer with frogs on their backs :)
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