Between the 8th and 12th grades I had an imaginary nerd. He was created for the sole purpose of doing my homework -because I certainly wasn't going to do it. Unfortunately he only gave me imaginary answers for everything. I then created my imaginary excuse maker guy to help me cover for the imaginary nerd. It turned out that he was terrible at coming up with good reasons why I didn't have my assignments...but that imaginary diploma sure looks good on my wall.
I'm not sure this guy counts as "imaginary." I think I sat by him in my 6th grade art class. He wasn't much of an artist, but you've drawn him well here. I like that the yellow page he's on has already been graded... and he didn't do so well. Excellent, sir!
"F" for FANTASTIC! The hair is so cool, and I like the soft colors. He seems like a nice enough fellow.
Really excellent work Nathan. Love the transition in colors. He is all nerd-- the hair, the glasses, the braces, the buttoned up to his adams apple awful shirt, the bags under his eyes from playing 18 hours of games on his calculator... awesome. This guy makes Napoleon Dynomite look like s stud.
Aaaaaawesome. This is a preproduction piece for the upcoming animated "Napolean Dynamite Kidz" feature. So glad you shared it.
Great one, Lindsay!
It's kinda freaky to think that this is what you would see, staring at your blank homework paper. He would gaze back at you from the page, pick his nose, and utter something unintelligible. Great piece!
This is my favourite on the blog, the drawing is superb and the lined paper just icing on the cake.
Excellent hair, and even more excellent eyebrows. I love his shirt. He's a work of art in his perfect nerdiness.
Hey, this is awesome! This design is just great, and I would actually like to find a shirt like that. Didn't someone call Milhouse a nerd once and he said "I'm not a nerd, nerds are smart!" I'm not so sure if all nerds are smart. This guy doesn't look too bright. Great design with the paper and all, great colors. The only thing he needs is "headgear" to go with his braces. There was a kid in my 7th grade class who wore his "headgear" in his class picture. I could never visualize him without it again. This kid looks as if he is rather fond of milk, vitamin d milk.
hahahaha this is GREAT! I laffed out loud! Great story to boot. Thank you Nate. Awesoem post!
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