Two story treatments that I have been working on for years and years include Rapunzel and The Frog Prince... Well, now Disney's making them both, so this is probably the only place you'll ever see my vision of the "frog who would be king". In this scene, the princess has stumbled in the ruins of an old castle and down into an abandoned well, where she first meets the story's heroic amphibean.
Beautiful painting Adrian- and even I would kiss a frog that looked so charming
Yeah, I had a story idea for "Chicken Little Meets the Robinsons," but that one got trampled recently too.
That's a great-looking frog. Very nice work, Adrian.
The girl reminds me of Mulan for some reason, I love the distraught pose. It's like she's been crying about not being able to bring honor to her family, and crying because her attempted suicide by leaping into the well failed. At least there's the good ol' hero to cheer her up! (...I'm reading way too much into this)
Very nice scene. Sometimes it takes a good fall into a well to humble yourself to the point to be willing to kiss a frog. It would be worth it if the frog would just get her out of the well. If she gets a prince out of it... even better.
Wonderful, wonderful. Stupid Disney keeps stealing all of your ideas. I love the jet black hair of the princess, pale skin, & purple dress, she's kinda emo. Great little frog design, & nice moody colors. Great job as always boss.
She looks wet. Poor thing. The hair is most convincing. Very nicely done Adrian. This sounds like a good story-- I think you should pursue it. Maybe Don Bluth is looking for another hit. Never know.
She doesn't look to happy to see a frog giving her the once over, esp. since she's in such a rough condition. I love this piece. Can I repeat myself please. I love this piece.
Wonderful Adrian. This just has 'cool story' written all over it too. I hope you keep working on it regardless :)
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